description: Module providing utilitary functions useful when programming. It also provides lambdas and macros.

Module Utils


  • and : conjunction of boolean expressions
(and (> x 3) (< y 4))
=> (if (> x 3)
         (< y 4)
  • or : disjunction of boolean expressions (or (> x 3) (< y 4)) => (if (> x 3) true (< y 4))
  • caar : takes the first element of the first element of a list
(caar x) => (car (car x))
  • cadr : takes the first element of the rest of a list
(cadr x) => (car (cdr x))
  • cdar, cddr, cadar, cadar, caddr, cdadr, caadr, cadadr, cadaddr, similar to caar and cadr.
  • !=, neq : not equal
(!= x y) => (! (= x y))
  • await-async await-async block to eval asynchronously while waiting directly for the result
(await-async (+ 3 4))
=> (await (async (+ 3 4)))
  • apply apply a function to a list
(apply + (3 4))
=> (cons + (3 4))

Here is an example

>> (apply + (10 6))
LI>> 16
  • cond: equivalent to successive if .. else if .. else
>> (define weather 
(lambda (x)
    (cond ((< x 10) '(It is cold!))
        ((< x 20) '(It is cool!))
        ((< x 30) '(It is warm!))
        (else '(It is hot!)))))
>> (weather 10)
LI>> (It is cool!)
>> (weather 9)
LI>> (It is cold!)
>> (weather 25)
LI>> (It is warm!)
>> (weather 36)
LI>> (It is hot!)

Here is an example of how to use it.

>> (let ((x 3)
         (y 4))
       (+ x y))
LI>> 7
>> (let* ((x 3)
          (y (x +1)))
        (+ x y))
LI>> 7
  • loop : loop the evaluation of an expression
(loop (print 'test))
=> (begin
    (define __loop__
        (lambda nil
                (print 'test)
  • let and let* Used to evaluate a code with locally bound variables. The difference lies in the possibility to bind variables in function of previous bindings with let*.
(let ((x 3)
         (y 4))
       (+ x y))
=> ((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 3 4)

(let* ((x 3)
          (y (+ x 1)))
        (+ x y))
=> ((lambda (x) 
        ((lambda (y) (+ x y)) (+ x 1))) 3)
  • combine : todo


  • zip zips elements of two lists in pairs
>> (zip '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8))
LI>> ((1 5) (2 6) (3 7) (4 8))
  • unzip undo a zipped list.
>> (define zipped (zip '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8)))
>> zipped
LI>> ((1 5) (2 6) (3 7) (4 8))
>> (unzip zipped)
LI>> ((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8))
  • mapf: maps a function to a list of argument
>> (mapf weather '(9 15 25 36))
;defined in example of cond
LI>> ((It is cold!) (It is cool!) (It is warm!) (It is hot!))
  • par evaluates in parallel a list of expressions and awaits on all their result.
>> (par (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4))
LI >> (3 7)
  • repeat evaluates n time an expression and returns the result of the last evaluation.
>> (repeat '(print 1) 4)
LI>> nil
  • retry-once evaluates an expression, and evaluates it again if the result is an err.


Provides a bunch of utility functions:

  • rand-element pick a random element from a list
>> (rand-element '(10 2 6))
LI>> 2
>> (rand-element '(10 2 6))
LI>> 10
>> (rand-element '(10 2 6))
LI>> 2
>> (rand-element '(10 2 6))
LI>> 6
  • enumerate enumerates all possible sets of combination from several lists.
>> (enumerate '(1 2) '(3 4) '(5 6))
LI>> ((1 3 5) (1 3 6) (1 4 5) (1 4 6) (2 3 5) (2 3 6) (2 4 5) (2 4 6))
  • contains returns true if a list contains an element
>> (contains '(1 2 3 4 5) 1)
LI>> true
>> (contains '(1 2 3 4 5) 6)
LI>> nil
>> (contains '(1 (2 3) 4 5) '(2 3))
LI>> true
  • sublist : returns a sublist of a list
>> (sublist '(a b c d e f) 1)
LI>> (b c d e f)
>> (sublist '(a b c d e f) 1 3)
LI>> (b c)
  • transform-in-singleton-list : transforms a list of arguments in a list of singleton
>> (transform-in-singleton-list 1 2 3 4)
LI>> ((1) (2) (3) (4))
  • quote-list : transform a list in list quoting each element
>> (quote-list '(1 2 3 4))
LI>> ((quote 1) (quote 2) (quote 3) (quote 4))
  • sleep awaits that the defined time in second is elapsed to resume the evaluation of the next expressions.