Operational Model Planning and Acting System (OMPAS)
OMPAS is a complete supervision solution for robotic platforms developed in the context of the thesis "Planning from operational model for deliberative acting in robotics". This thesis is led by Jérémy Turi under the supervision of Arthur Bit-Monnot and Daniel Sidobre at LAAS-CNRS in the RIS team. This official documentation is updated as the project goes, but some shift may appear with the actual implementation.
The system OMPAS is based on the Refinement Acting Engine, that it extends with a native support for tasks concurrency, with a dedicated resource management system. The system uses a Scheme-like language to describe the behavior of a robotic agent as hierarchical operational models.
Several articles have been accepted in conferences and workshops. Here are the references of the paper:
- Extending a Refinement Acting Engine for Fleet Management: Concurrency and Resources(@@turiExtendingRefinementActing2022)
- Guidance of a Refinement-based Acting Engine with a Hierarchical Temporal Planner (@@turiGuidanceRefinementbasedActing2022)